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Family Law

Family Procedure Rules (FPR)

On 29 April 2024 important updates took effect in the Family Procedure Rules (FPR) with hopes to encourage parties to participate in...

Family & Relationships - Court Fees

It has recently been announced by the Ministry of Justice that 172 Court and tribunal fees are set to increase by 10% in May 2024,...

Hastings tops list of Sussex divorce hotspots as new data shows dramatic drop in applications

The latest release from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) shows divorces plummeted in 2022, following the introduction of ‘no...

Did you get engaged this Valentines?

Here’s some tips for a loving, long and financially successful marriage! Pre-Nuptial Agreements The popularity of Pre-Nuptial...

Cohabiting Couples – The Common Law Myth

As a family solicitor with over 20 years’ experience, it is a worrying fact that there continues to be a widespread acceptance...

4 in 5 price comparison sites give ‘mythical relationship’ option – putting people at huge financial risk

We carried out some analysis that has revealed that 4 out of the 5 largest price comparison websites[i] reference a common law spouse...

Alternatives to Family Court

We understand that the decision to end a marriage is one of the hardest a couple will face and it is not made easier by the prospect...

Good Divorce Week 2022 - Ending the Family Court Crisis

The family team at Mayo Wynne Baxter are all members of Resolution, an organisation of family law professionals who promote a constructive...

How does divorce affect the family business?

A business, in which one or both of the parties on divorce has an interest, is a financial resource which the court considers...

Domestic Abuse

Mayo Wynne Baxter Family Team are specialists in domestic abusive relationships. We have a wealth of experience in advising and representing...

What’s in a name? Your holiday could be riding on it.

The main holiday season is fast approaching and for the first time in a couple of years, many people will be taking their children...

Can I Divorce without a Solicitor?

There is no legal requirement to instruct a Solicitor to act on your behalf in respect of Divorce proceedings. However, for reasons...

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