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Satisfaction Guarantee

You should be satisfied with the service you get from your solicitors. We’re so confident in our service that you can choose to reduce our fees if you’re not 100% happy.

We want to be certain that you will be satisfied with the work we do and with what it costs.

Here at Mayo Wynne Baxter, we are very proud of our client service. When sending out surveys, 97% of respondents stated that they were either “satisfied” or “very satisfied” with the service received and we certainly feel like we are getting things right.

Of the 1.3% of our clients who might not be satisfied, following further investigations, the dissatisfaction had sometimes been more about the outcome of the matter, rather than the way in which we handled it. Any clients that use our services should expect to be satisfied with the work that we do and the advice that we give. We would hope that clients would let us know if they felt we were not meeting their expectations and then we can address their concerns.

When you receive our bill, we want you to be happy with the service you have received. If not, then under our new Satisfaction Guarantee, you can decide how much to pay and deduct an amount from our bill that you feel is appropriate (up to a maximum of 20% of our fee and any reduction of a bill would need to be agreed within 28 days of the invoice
date), and we will not quibble. The only thing we will ask you is where did we go wrong, as it is only by knowing how we let you down that we can make sure we don’t do it again.

The discretionary element is up to a maximum of 20%. If we have got things so wrong that you feel this is not enough, then we would welcome a call to discuss fully.

How the survey works

The survey is a short 5 minute survey and will ask a series of questions and to score us out of 10. It’s only by knowing how you rate our services that we can ensure we continuously improve our client service.

Terms and conditions

The discretionary element is up to a maximum of 20% and within the invoice period, usually within 28 days. If we have got things so bad that this isn’t enough then we would welcome a call to discuss fully. The discretionary element is only on our fees and not disbursements. We cannot offer the Satisfaction Guarantee on certain litigious work types, such as Litigation. This is because of the way that courts award costs for these types of cases.