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Business Law

Bait And Switch: Beware If Offered Tokenised Ownership Of UK Property

Introduction One of the advantages of being a lawyer specialising in crypto and blockchain is that you get to see trends as they start...

Business Succession Planning

Business owners often look at succession as something that will happen many years or decades into the future. The truth is that none...

When Mentors Turn Nasty

Even if you have a technical skill or vision that could form the basis of a successful business, the whole ’how to run a business’...

Selling Grapes to a Winery: The Top 10 Essential Contract Terms

Here’s what you need to know: Get it in writing: many contractual disagreements happen between people (parties) who genuinely...

The Myth of Shareholder Agreements

“Err, because everybody does?” was the answer given to me by a client when asked why he wanted a shareholders’ agreement...

How to Review a Non-Disclosure Agreement

A non-disclosure agreement (NDA) is a legally binding document that restricts the disclosure of confidential information between two...

South East businesses accounted for 16% of UK administrations in 2022, analysis reveals

South East businesses accounted for 16% of administrations in 2022 – the second highest region in the UK – according to...

How Businesses Torpedo Their Own Contracts

Many businesses spend big bucks preparing standard terms and conditions which they can add to all their contracts. Ts & Cs cover...

Banquo’s Ghost

Disputes within companies are often highly personal and spiteful. There are three areas where, time and again I see what should be...

How does divorce affect the family business?

A business, in which one or both of the parties on divorce has an interest, is a financial resource which the court considers...

Careless talk: what counts as a legally binding agreement?

Legally binding agreements can take many forms, some of which may surprise you: emails, messages and even conversations can all count....

Quietly Self-Harming: The Strange Obsession With Shareholders Agreements

Shareholder’ agreements (‘SAs’) are one of those legal documents, like NDAs, that most businesspeople have heard...

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