Filing For Divorce Guide

| 17th October 2024

If you’re thinking about divorce, take your time to understand the legal steps and make the best choice for you and your loved ones

What divorce means?

Divorce is the legal process that formally ends a marriage. It usually involves dividing up shared assets and property, figuring out child custody arrangements, setting up child support and/or spousal support agreements, and settling any other legal issues that arise.


Understanding how to get a divorce can make things simpler and less overwhelming. Here’s a detailed breakdown of each step:

The stages of divorce

Step 1: Initiating the divorce application

The divorce application can be started by you alone or jointly with your spouse. There are two main ways to submit your application:

  • Online Application: This is the most common method, providing a convenient way to file for divorce.
  • Paper Application: In certain circumstances, you may choose to file a paper application.

The new divorce law enacted in 2022 eliminates the need to provide a reason for the divorce. Instead, you can file based on the irretrievable breakdown of the marriage.

Step 2: Court review of your application

You must send in your application to the court with your original or official copy of your marriage certificate.

After your application is processed, a 20-week reflection period begins.

Step 3: Notification to your spouse

If you filed a sole application, the court will notify your spouse by sending them a copy of the application.

We suggest talking about your application with your spouse before you apply. Talking openly can prevent delays in acknowledging, which can make the divorce process longer and cost more.

Step 4: Granting of the conditional order

Once the court is satisfied with your application, they will grant a conditional order. This indicates the court’s preliminary approval of your divorce.

Step 5: Applying for the final order

The final order can be applied for six weeks and one day after the conditional order is given. This document officially dissolves your marriage.

At Mayo Wynne Baxter, we typically advise waiting to apply for the final order until any financial arrangements related to your divorce are resolved.

Learn more about settling finances during divorce here.

Step 6: Granting of the final order

Once the court grants the final order, you are officially divorced and may remarry if you choose.

Going through a divorce can be one of the most challenging experiences in life. If you have questions or need clarity on the divorce process, our dedicated divorce law team at Mayo Wynne Baxter is here to help.

Contact us today

Reach out to our expert divorce solicitors for personalised guidance tailored to your situation. Let us support you during this difficult time.

Frequently asked questions

How long does the divorce process take?

While the minimum time frame is around six months, the process may take longer depending on factors such as court backlogs, financial negotiations, and any disputes between parties.

What documents do I need to file for divorce?

Divorce Petition (Form D8), Marriage Certificate, Application Fee, Statement of Arrangements for Children (Form D8A) (if applicable), Financial Disclosure (optional but recommended), Acknowledgment of Service (Form D10), Decree Nisi and Decree Absolute. If any other documents are required during the process, we will advise during the process.

What is a conditional order in divorce?

A conditional order signifies that the court is prepared to grant your divorce, pending the completion of any necessary steps, such as waiting periods or financial settlements. Always consider seeking legal advice to navigate the divorce process effectively.