International Women’s Day 2024

| 07th March 2024

International Women’s Day provides a valuable opportunity to reflect on the achievements of women and celebrate the progress made not only in the legal profession but in all areas of life towards gender equality.

Historically women have faced numerous obstacles in accessing and excelling within the legal profession, for decades concerted efforts have been made to foster inclusivity and dismantle the systemic barriers that have hindered the progress of women in law.

On reflecting on International Women’s Day 2024 tangible progress can be seen with women in key roles within the legal profession such as in the Judiciary, in law firms and in academia. There are now greater opportunities for women in the legal profession and their contributions are becoming more widely recognised. Women continue to reshape the landscape within the UK legal profession by challenging stereotypes and breaking through barriers in what was once a male dominated profession.

Mayo Wynne Baxter have built and continue to foster a culture of inclusivity and actively promote gender equality within the firm. As a law firm we have implemented initiatives aimed at promoting gender diversity such as unconscious bias awareness, flexible and hybrid working arrangements, mentoring and coaching programmes. As well as a menopause inclusion group. Adopting and promoting such initiatives is crucial in creating an inclusive environment where women can thrive and advance in their careers. In our most recent diversity survey statistics show that women make up an impressive 76.92% of employees within the firm, of those 48.6% are Partners and 44% of Board members are women.

Whilst undoubtedly progress has been made Mayo Wynne Baxter recognise challenges remain within the wider society which will require a multifaceted approach involving legal reforms, cultural shifts and changes in societal attitudes towards gender roles and expectations. Mayo Wynne Baxter are committed to promoting gender equality, diversity and inclusivity within the legal profession and wider legal community to create a future where every woman has the opportunity to pursue a career in law.

See MWB’s latest Diversity Report.