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Commercial Property

Bait And Switch: Beware If Offered Tokenised Ownership Of UK Property

Introduction One of the advantages of being a lawyer specialising in crypto and blockchain is that you get to see trends as they start...

Selling Grapes to a Winery: The Top 10 Essential Contract Terms

Here’s what you need to know: Get it in writing: many contractual disagreements happen between people (parties) who genuinely...

A stitch in time – Keep your advisors in the loop

Solicitors have long been the butt of jokes about sharks and charging for every minute of their day, but we have our place along with...

Top Tips for Tenants When Negotiating Heads of Terms

Top Tips for Tenants Negotiating Heads of Terms - Mayo Wynne Baxter Now you've found a property to rent it is time for the key terms...

My commercial tenant owes me rent, what can I do?

The recent spate of headline grabbing articles would have us all believe that if a commercial tenant is in arrears of rent there is...

How can I get out of my Commercial Lease?

How to get out of a Commercial Lease early? For many Tenants there may come a time when they need to consider how they can get out...

Leasehold Solutions Limited and Leasehold Valuers Limited – In Liquidation – What can their clients do now?

Leasehold Solutions Limited and Leasehold Valuers Limited – In Liquidation What can their clients do now? Leasehold Solutions...

Places of Worship (Enfranchisement) Act 1920

Places of Worship (Enfranchisement) Act 1920 A little visited part of the statute books, the Places of Worship (Enfranchisement) Act...

Are you unhappy with the management of your property?

A Right To Manage Claim could be the perfect solution Far too often we hear of leaseholders who are at a loss as to what to do, due...

Double or Bluff?

Charlotte Clarke discusses ground rent increases, lease extensions and your legal rights. Have you been approached by your Landlord...

Why you should instruct a Solicitor before finding a buyer for your home.

Simon Fuller discusses why you should instruct a Solicitor before finding a buyer for your home....

Leasehold: ‘People who buy Leasehold Properties are being misled and taken advantage of’ say the CMA

Leasehold: ‘People who buy Leasehold Properties are being misled and taken advantage of’ say the CMA An update on this...

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